Month: April 2009

  • More Warm Weather!

    This is a repeat of the last post… because it’s been such a nice few days! No complaints from here… and it’s supposed to be 20C next week Woohoo!!

  • More Warm Days Ahead!

    This afternoon was just beautiful and we can expect more for the rest of the week! We got up to a pleasant 22.7C, no records, but certainly well above average. Should get a little more rain for those April flowers before the month is out, but hopefully this little stretch bodes well for the summer.…

  • A Political interlude… Don’t Axe the Carbon Tax

    This promise by Carole James and the BC NDP to axe the “Gas Tax” as they call it is regressive and just plain dangerous for our environment. Not only that, it shows a complete lack of principles. I hope that my readers here will support me in telling Carole James to reverse her policy. I’ve…

  • Hoping for more Sun than Rain!

    That’s the hope anyway. Should be OK tomorrow. Was a beautiful afternoon today. Hopefully we can get out into the garden before the rains come! Oh, and just a heads up, anyone using IE8 or a virus program… if you get errors when the page tries to refresh the data, you need to set your…

  • Webcam Movies up for the week… and the end of Snow Tires!

    Hey everyone. Well, Saturday and Sunday weren’t great, but this morning is sure looking nice! We should get some sun today and tomorrow and it might even get warm if the clouds don’t interrupt too much! I’ve uploaded the rest of last weeks webcam movies to I am working on automating that procedure a…