Year: 2010
Is that what I think I see? The number 33C?
UPDATE: So we should be able to finally declare a winner today for the Summer Contest! Will it be Natalie at 2:35 or Tanis at 3:30!? I will announce what the prize is once the winner is determined and I go and find a good prize! 😀 ________________________ I just happened to check the forecast…
New weather stations online in Port Alberni and West Coast
Hey! Great news from the world of local weather information! The folks at UVic who run the “Schoolnet” websites (and sub-sites, and have just brought four new stations online! There are now weather stations feeding into the network (along with this one of course) from Alberni Elementary School, Maquinna Elementary School, Wikkaninnish…
Nice first days of summer!
I’ll mark this post “Hot”, but really it’s not going to be *that* hot. 🙂 Not nearly summer contest winning hot. Sorry Daniel, Tamara and Chris G. but it doesnt look like we’re going to have 30 degree heat just yet. That said, everyday this week is slated to be over 20C! That’s definitely a…
Hang in there! Summer is coming this weekend
Today and tomorrow will be pretty damp, but don’t worry. It looks like we might finally get our first shot at real early-summer weather this weekend! There is an outside chance that someone could win the Contest this weekend. Laura and Libbie look to be on deck for Sundayl. But the really good news is…
Help Track the Smell – Repost
This is a repost of an article I posted on May 5. Since there was a frontpage story in the AV Times today (June 3) on efforts to find the source, I thought I would repost this post and ask again that you keep sending in your reports so as to give Guy Cicon at…