Year: 2010

  • Juneuary Hits: Lots of Rain on the way

    In case you lost track, yes, Tuesday is June 1. No, our weather has not been nice. Yes, our weather has been colder and more wet than normal (for May). And guess, what, Tuesday night and Wednesday will be even more wet. According to Bret Anderson at Accuweather this evening, and according to the map…

  • Have a Happy May Long!

    Well, that little storm was entertaining. Hopefully no damaged was caused to anyone out there. The forecast for the weekend is going to be ever-changing I think because we seem to be in a bit of an in-between place as far as weather patterns go. But I think it’s safe to say that while it…

  • Explosive Cyclonic Generation

    Words that will surely make the heart of any weather-geek beat a little faster. That is how Mark Madryga described the low-pressure center and storm currently gathering force off the Washington Coast. You can see it quite nicely on the Satellite imagery right now… curling into a nice tight hurricane-esque spiral. If your weekend plan…

  • Contest Deadline Extended – Cool May Long Weekend

    Since the weather kinda went from Yay to Blah I thought I’d inject a little Yay and extend the deadline for getting in your guesses on the Summertime 30C contest. The new deadline will be one week from today. Have fun! The May Long Weekend is shaping up to be a cool, but variable one.…

  • Heat Contest! When will we hit 30C

    The Period for submitting your guesses is now closed. Good Luck to everyone! 😀 It’s that time of year again… the sun is back, the backyard is warming up, it’s time for a contest! When will the temperature at Alberniweather hit 30C? Here are the rules: #1: You must pick a date, hour, and minute…