Month: October 2011

  • Contest Closed – Bring on the Cold

    Entries are now all wrapped up for the Snow contest. There have been more than 40 entries this year! Thank for entering and good luck to all! Now I can tell you when *I* think there will be snow on the ground. I gotta say, had you asked me a couple weeks ago I might…

  • New Webcam Operational – Rain tonight – Cold Monday/Tuesday

    I’ve had lots more entries for the Snow Contest! Keep them coming, tell your friends, share it on Facebook. You only have until 6AM on Monday to enter for your chance to win a prize from Healthy Habits. I’ve received and set up my new webcam. It is a Canon G6. I am cropping the…

  • Have you entered the Contest!?

    If you haven’t entered yet, do it soon! Click on the Orange link at the top of the menu and enter it into the comments of that post. You only have until Monday at 6AM to enter. We’ve had some pretty interesting guesses so far. We’ve even had some for Halloween Monday itself! Are we…

  • Check for Northern Lights! is reporting: A coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth on Oct. 24th at approximately 1800 UT (2:00 pm EDT). The impact strongly compressed Earth’s magnetic field, directly exposing geosynchronous satellites to solar wind plasma, and sparked an intense geomagnetic storm. As night fell over North America, auroras spilled across the Canadian border into the…

  • Snow Contest 2011! Win tea and chocolate!

    Entries now Closed! Good Luck! It’s time to rev-up the snow contest! Pick your date and time in the comments of this post only and you might win a gift pack of Mighty Leaf Tea and chocolate from Healthy Habits at the Harbour Quay. Update: I have added a new rule (#7) and updated rules…