Year: 2011
Little bit of everything this week
Once the fog burns off this morning you should find a pretty nice day today and also tomorrow when it might get into the mid 20s again. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are a downhill slide into rain with early Thursday looking like the wettest period for us. I feel like I’d be remiss if I…
A Small Dent in my Hydro Bill
Like many of you, I got my BC Hydro bill this week. So the question immediately on my mind was…. DID MY SOLAR PANEL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!? Well, actually. I think it did. Small, yes, but noticeable. Here’s my consumption over the past few years, this year was lowest of all (23kWh/day average, 1392kWh total)…
Fall is coming
Just as I started typing, I heard the honk of a Canada Goose and looked up to see a small Vee of 4 geese passing overhead. If that isn’t proof that fall is very near, I do not know what is. Our big switch in the weather should be proof too. It looks like summer…
6.4 Earthquake near Port Alice – No Tsunami Warning
There has been a signficant 6.4 Magnitude Earthquake off the coast of the Island near Port Alice/Kyuquot. No Tsunami watches or warnings have been issued. Local Media are advising people to stay away from the shore of the ocean… Inlets, beaches, etc. (not lakes of course) just as an added precaution. Update The Earthquake has…
Heat, water, fire, fair!
The forecast at the top of the page is red for a reason. It’s going to be hot! We are looking at 32-34 degrees Celsius (89F-93F) from today through Sunday. No record was set here on Wednesday that I know of, though Campbell River, Port Hardy, and Comox along with a number of towns on…