Month: April 2012

  • Soggy Week

    Plenty of April showers out there this week. The good news, if you can call it that, is that it’s finally warm enough that we need not worry about any snow. This soggy weather will be pretty persistent. However, it is slated to dry right up by Saturday! So that ain’t so bad! While your…

  • Friday the 13th Fog!

    It’s not actually foggy out there… It’s more like a deck of low clouds, but a liked the little bit of alliteration. 🙂 And don’t worry it’s not just us. The same deck stretches from north of Qualicum to Nanaimo. Yet if you venture onto the top of the hump or down to Victoria you…

  • Friday the 13th Fog!

    It’s not actually foggy out there… It’s more like a deck of low clouds, but a liked the little bit of alliteration. 🙂 And don’t worry it’s not just us. The same deck stretches from north of Qualicum to Nanaimo. Yet if you venture onto the top of the hump or down to Victoria you…

  • Warmth continuing through the weekend plus Floods and Quakes

    We weren’t really supposed to be quite so warm and nice yesterday, but we were so let’s just leave it at that 🙂 There is a slight chance of passing showers tonight after which we will be dry until Monday or Tuesday. The weekend should have more sun than clouds and temperatures in the low…

  • Spring is finally here.

    Just it case you weren’t sure. Some pictures, taken by me and my daughter to prove Spring is here. We will have April showers on and off through the week but nothing major and it will be quite warm compared to what we’ve been forced to be accustomed to over the last few months! Summer…