Month: May 2013
Two thirds must stay in the ground – Please Vote.
We are nearing the end of our hot spell. And that’s a good thing. There will likely be rain for Mother’s Day but the flower beds and just-started gardens won’t mind. On this blog I try to present the facts as best I can and to present the science as it is written. These facts…
Update on records and high fire danger
An update on where we’ve been and where we are headed this week in terms of records. The hottest official temperature for May is 34.1C set on May 28th, 1983. We won’t be getting anywhere near that Monthly record, at least I hope not, but it’s worth noting. We are into 4 or 5 days…
No, this isn’t normal
A full week of mid to high twenties peaking twice in the 30s at the beginning of May? No, it is not expected or normal. Why is it happening? The Jetstream: It has bent itself into a rather crazy shape and is headed far to the North allowing warm air in.. And its a bit…
Gettin’ Hotter and The Records
You might have read the story about the talk I did at the Museum about the history of temperature and climate in the Valley. I had hoped to have that presentation online by now but my computer has been giving me trouble and is in the shop, so it won’t be online until it returns.…
Enter the Contest! Guess when it might hit 30C! Win a Prize!
WE HAVE A WINNER! It came down to a guess of 1:40PM by Tony and 1:50PM by Eric. Eric won by a hair when it ticked over to 30.0C at 1:46PM. CONGRATULATIONS TO ERIC. So what are we going to do now? Don’t worry I have another contest up my sleeve I will reveal in…