Month: July 2013

  • Adios Amigos – Holiday – Hurricane Watching

    This will be my last regular post for a couple weeks. We are leaving today on our way down to Mexico to visit family. It’s currently 29.8°C and 70% humidity near where we will be near Puerto Vallarta. About the only weather updates I might post is if we get anything more interesting than a…

  • June 2013 Recap – Warm nights, Normal rainfall.

    Updated July 3: I just reactivated the monthly webcam timelapses. So I will be adding them to the monthly summaries so not only can we see the stats, we can see the weather for the whole month too! This June was a little warmer than normal (high above normal minimums near normal maximums) but with…

  • Happy Canada Day! 33C!

    Gonna be in the parade this morning with Alberni Valley Transition Town Society! What perfect weather to celebrate Canada Day! Happy Birthday Canada!