Month: June 2014

  • Warm weekend coming, and so is El Niño

    Warm weekend coming, and so is El Niño

    Update: Friday June 6: Just a quick update to say there chance of showers on Saturday evening has remained about the same in the forecast and a few very light showers have popped up on the West Coast for Sunday. Nothing serious though and still warm. With sun returning Monday. …………. Nothing to complain about…

  • Dry for a while – open burning ban – CO2 limits imposed

    Dry for a while – open burning ban – CO2 limits imposed

    There isn’t a drop of rain in the forecast for the next few days and only a slight chance of moisture over the weekend. That has prompted the BC Forest Service to issue their summertime open burning ban for our region which will last until October 15th. The current fire danger is high in the…

  • Fun in the Sun and Cross-Post about Canal Beach

    Fun in the Sun and Cross-Post about Canal Beach

    It’s going to be a bright beautiful day.  In fact, it’s going to be a bright beautiful WEEK! This was how my morning started… looking up Redford Street toward Mt. Arrowsmith and the rising sun.  Another beautiful start to the day.  And while there might be a few thunderstorms popping up in the afternoon today,…