The Alberniweather and Alberni Valley Climate Summary for 2019
Average temperatures thankfully
2019 was an interesting year in that it was warmer than normal, but it wasn’t nearly as extreme, so it “felt” quite average, particularly in the summer. This was a departure from recent years.
In its 25 years of operation at the Airport, 2019 was the year with the 6th highest average high temperatures and the 7th lowest low temperatures. It ranks as having the 9th highest average temperature since 1994 overall… so pretty close to the middle.
However, the averages are hiding what were some remarkable periods, particularly in the spring where we had long stretches of very cold, and very warm weather. You can see more about that in the All Time Records section.
There was a lot of concern about the drought this year as well as the return of “the Blob” which marked 2014 and 2015 but while those years were both dry, and hot, 2019 was thankfully much less hot.
The City stations recorded higher departures from normal than the Airport, especially for the low temperatures.
Lack of rain still made it memorable
Rainfall was a little more impressive in terms of its departure from normal. The Airport received 60% of what could be considered normal rainfall. The City received 50% of normal.

You can see in the image above the rainfall totals stretching back to 1895. 2019 is just above the 1250mm mark. This is not uncommon in the records, but it is definitely on the lower side. This has not helped to replenish what were already depleted reservoirs and will contribute to the continued decline of local glaciers and snowpacks.
All Time Records Set
These are all time daily records set at the Airport* compared to other stations of record** since 1900.
We set 5 all time high records for the valley stations this year. This included 3 high temperature records–2 in May and 1 in June–and 2 low temperature records in October. We also set one all time rainfall record on BC Day, August 1st. Details below.
Note that these are only the all time records. The Airport set many other daily records in its own time period since 1994, of particular note was February and the beginning of March which saw 16 low temperature for the Airport fall. However, none of those eclipsed an all time record. The Airport then set 6 high temperature records at the end of March.
- May 9 high temp 28.7º C: #1 is 30.0º C at Robertson Creek in 2019, 2nd is 29.4º C at Beaver Creek in 1906.
- May 10 high temp 30.8º C: #1 is 32.0ºC at Robertson Creek in 2019, 3rd is 29.4º C at Port Alberni in 1946.
- June 12 tied high temp 34.4º C 3rd tied reading on this day with Beaver Creek and Port Alberni City in 1932.
- August 1 high rain 34.0 mm beat 14.5 mm at Port Alberni in 1934.
- October 9 low temp -3.9ºC beat -1.7ºC at Beaver Creek in 1919. (Cox Lake South of Port Alberni also beat that record with -2.0 ºC)
- October 10 low temp -3.5ºC beat -2.8 ºC at Beaver Creek in 1944.
Note: Every daily record set at the Airport can be seen on the monthly summaries.
2019 City Station Data Comparisons
Mean Min, Mean, and Mean Max Temperature,
Total Precipitation and Highest Wind
- Alberniweather: 6.5º C, 10.6º C, 15.5º C, NA*** , Ave: 2.8 kph, Max: 63 kph
- Alberni Elem. : NA***
- Maquinna.: NA***
- Neptune: NA***, 10.5º C, NA***, NA*** , NA***
- Nick’s (Maq area): NA***, 10.1º C, NA*** , 977.5 mm, Ave: NA, Max: 40.7 kph
Many of the city stations had intermittent problems this year. The Alberniweather station did not record rain reliably, the Alberni Elementary and Maquinna stations are missing months of data, and the Neptune station does not record rainfall. So you will see data below where there was 12 months of data to be gathered.
I look forward to getting a new rain gauge later this month at Alberniweather, but unfortunately the delay in replacing it means 2020 will be another year without complete rainfall records at my station. 🙁
Good news! I walked in the door this evening to find a package on the table. It’s the rain gauge! I installed it tonight and so, barring any other malfunctions, I will have data for all of 2020! I will fill in the past 7 days with data from the Alberni Elementary station which is usually very close to mine. Woot!
***Station does not have full year of data.
Airport and City Compared to Normal
Differences from Normal at Airport (Valley)
- Airport* : 4.3º C, 9.8º C, 15.2° C, 1304 mm, NA.
- Normal 1971-2000 (Rbrstn Creek): 4.1º C, 9.3º C 14.3° C, 2134 mm
- Diff. from normal: +0.2° C, +0.5º C, +0.9º C, -830 mm (61%)
Differences from Normal in City (Sea Level)
- City Stations Average: 6.5º C, 10.4º C, 15.5º C, 978 mm
- Normal 1971-2000 (Prt Alb A (Somass)): 4.4º C, 9.5º C 14.4° C, 1911 mm
- Diff. from normal: +2.1° C, +0.9º C, +1.1º C, -933 mm, (51%)
Note that to see annual data from the Airport one must download the entire year of daily data from the daily almanac and make the calculations manually.
Official Days of Precipitation at Airport*
Corresponding to the lack of rainfall overall there were less days with rain. We only received 70% of the normal number of days with measurable rainfall and we received less than half the normal number of days of heavy rainfall (over 25mm).
Normal Days : Days This Year
>= 0.2 mm: 190.8 : 132 (69%)
>= 5 mm: 94.9 : 68 (72%)
>= 10 mm: 65.6 : 42 (64%)
>= 25 mm: 27.6 : 12 (43.5%)
* Is Compared to Robertson Creek 1981-2010 Normal - May use backup Environment Canada Data source at to fill in missing reported days at Airport. **^^ Missing Data from Airport, Alberniweather broke existing Airport record temperature. Temperature at Alberniweather will be different. Usually Alberniweather underestimates temperatures in summer compared to Airport. ** Short Term means since 1995 at the new AVRA Airport. Airport Records are compared to the 30+ year weather stations of record since 1900 (1895 for rain) at Beaver Creek, Port Alberni "City" and Robertson Creek. Note that records pre 1950 may be more likely to over-estimate high temperatures.