Month: May 2019
Forecast turns dry through next week.
A really quick post because the message is pretty simple. There is no rain in the forecast for the South Island. Here is a very zoomed out view of our part of the world. The first picture is all the rain expected to fall, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Notice our little part of the island…
Watch the smoke flow over the province like the data out of my wallet.
How are the Arctic, Alberta Fires, Smokey Port Alberni skies, and US Tornadoes all connected? The Jet Stream. Here’s the Jet Stream modelled this morning. Red line is mine. This rather bent-out-of-shape pattern has been a frequent topic on this blog. Search for “Rutgers” on this webpage and you’ll come up with these blog entries…
Alberta Smoke. Hot and Sunny week. Fire Danger holding at High.
We will start the week hot and then gradually cool but the sun will stick for the whole time. We should get to 30°C or 31°C today, 29°C on Tuesday, 25°C on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and then around 20°C this weekend. Note: Now that there is smoke in the air, there is the possibility…
Sunny days! Wanna get in on Solar for your home or business? And want to help write a Green New Deal?
Help shape the Canadian “Green New Deal” on Thursday! The Green New Deal townhall is happening tomorrow (FB Event Here), Thursday, at Char’s Landing starting at 7PM put on by Alberni Valley Transition Town Society. (Full disclosure: I am co-Founder and current President of AVTTS :)) This is a time and place to sit down…
Dry and pleasant weeks ahead as fire danger rises.
There was a chance of showers most of the weekend but for those of us who stayed in Port Alberni (it was pretty quiet around here!) the only hint of rain were a few drops on Sunday afternoon. We got a nice little shower this morning though and that looks to be all we can…