Month: September 2020
Possibly final day of 30ºC+ weather. More Smoke coming. Possible shower Monday. Summer Summaries Posted. School Starts!
Expect today to be the last hot day, possibly of the summer. Lots going on this morning but one notable thing to start the day is this might be our final clear sunny and hot day of the 2020 summer. Fitting that it has come on the first day back for most kids to school.…
August 2020 Summary. A fairly normal month, except for that record smashing day of rain.
A very rainy, but not quite record rainy, month.
July 2020 Summary – Cool and cloudy but very dry.
A very rainy, but not quite record rainy, month.
June 2020 Summary – The most Average of Junes
A very rainy, but not quite record rainy, month.
Updating: 12:30PM – Back to School Forecast – Smoke creeping north Tuesday – COVID rises.
Update 12:30PM – Smoke encroaches. The smoke has come into the Valley. This is a snapshot of the graph, the updating graph is on the front page. We should see our values go up in the next hourly update at the UNBC page as well. Update 11:40AM – Air Quality Advisories issued Environment Canada has…