Year: 2020
September 1! Meteorological Fall begins. Heat continues. Brief shower Wednesday. Website updates. COVID 19 BC Numbers.
Welcome back! I took the month of August off from blogging here so I could concentrate on the backend of the website. I’ve upgraded most of the systems feeding data to the website as well as the website itself. I am still waiting on some new code from the software developers to fix some issues…
Back to 30°C today – Procession for SLFD Firefighter around 5:30 – Extreme Fire Danger – Meteors
The clouds cleared overnight and the heat will move back in quickly today. The forecast yesterday was for temperatures to get up to 35°C Thursday but that has been cut back to “only” 30°C today and possibly 33°C Thursday. Temperatures should remain in the high twenties into the weekend with clouds and cooler temperatures returning…
Back from the Cape and into the Boiler! Heat this week.
It has already been hot for the past week but it is about to get hotter. If you check out the weekly data page on the Almanac you can see our progression over the past seven days. Here is the temperature for that period: You can see we got to 33.6°C last Monday and then…
Hottest days of the year coming – including on the North Island!
I’ve been preparing for a backpacking trip up to Cape Scott on Monday. So this post will be as much about Port Alberni and the South Island as it will about the North Island so my family can imagine when my son and I are soaked with rain or basking on a beach in 19°C…
Better idea at where to find Comet Neowise
I managed to see the Comet last night (both with naked eye and a small telescope). It was really exciting! It’s pretty dim and I don’t have the stuff to be able to take a picture but here’s where I saw it. The arrow shows both the position and the direction of the tail on…