Fingers Crossed! Possible Family Day snow day??

Fingers Crossed! Possible Family Day snow day??

This week will be pretty standard fare, though not as grey as we have been subjected to for most of the last month.

Wasn’t that sun yesterday nice?? We should get a little more today or tomorrow before more persistent showers creep back in for Wednesday.

The interesting part of the forecast though is the longer term. Here is the graph from SpotX. Temperature and humidity is on top, rain/snow and cloud cover on the bottom.

And even better, the model above is the Canadian GEM…. the model below is the US GFS. They agree.

Notice we dry up on Thursday (and maybe some more sunny breaks but we get cold starting Friday and into Saturday.

Then a system comes in on Sunday, delivers some snow, and it says a cloudless Monday afternoon to enjoy it in.

I am just going to stop right there with that perfect forecast and spend the next week hoping it actually happens. 🙂

Fingers crossed. Happy Monday!

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