The forecast has moved up a bit. Rain is now expected to invade by Thursday morning. Below is the 8-11AM picture.

We should have a good day Tuesday though and just cloud and maybe a breeze on Wednesday as the system approaches. Showers will continue until evening Thursday and then we get a break until Friday evening.
Saturday currently looks like the driest day of the long weekend.
School COVID Notification
I wanted to provide some information from Island Health about how they notify about school exposures and what it means. Here is the school notification page.
No action is required unless you get a call.
From the page: “If your child’s school has been notified of an exposure, no action is required unless you are contacted by Public Health or are otherwise directed by school officials.”
“A notification… does not necessarily mean your child has been exposed to COVID-19”
Notifications last for 14 days after exposure date.
Here is ADSS on the list:

The earliest exposure date is the 14th. That means the 14-day incubation period will have already passed for people only exposed on that date. The latest date is the 22nd. People exposed (and contacted) on that date would have to isolate until today, October 6.
If there are no more exposures at the school, we should see this notice rescinded after today.
These Definitions are helpful too.
An exposure basically means only one person was found to be the risk is still low.
Exposure: A single person with lab-confirmed COVID-19 infection who attended school during their infectious period.
Cluster: Two or more individuals with lab-confirmed COVID-19 infection who attended school during their infectious period. The cases may be linked to school-based transmission.
Outbreak: Multiple individuals with lab-confirmed COVID-19 infection when transmission is likely widespread within the school setting.
In all of these cases, public health will investigate, interview the case and conduct contact tracing. If you do not receive a phone call or letter from Public Health, your child should continue to attend school. Please follow the instructions of the local school administration and Public Health.”
Hope that helps calm fears
I have been really impressed at the contact tracing our health services have been doing. It is so important for us to be able to stay on top of this virus.
We’re doin’ OK.
Take care out there. And love to all your families.
PS – Go check out Mars tonight if it is still clear!
It was beautiful last night. Click back to yesterday’s post for some pictures!