Strong Low, more Snow

Could be a rather fun 24 hours. Notice the Barometer is quite low this morning and dropping. That’s the lowest it has been pretty much all winter. The EC forecast is talking about a “very deep” low forming just offshore that sping some moisture into the area and, thanks to the cool airmass, cause snow at higher elevation.

More importantly though, it is slated to track over Vancouver Island. By the look of the 6AM Satellite chart right now I think it has passed a little farther North than originally forecast so that shoud be a good thing in terms of wind, but could mean we’ll end up a with cooler air and more snow if moisture comes into the mix.

I’d say this weekend ranks up there in the weird-weather category for this year! Can you tell it’s Spring? Mother Nature doesn’t know what to throw at us. ๐Ÿ˜‰

UPDATE Its been quite the day already… and if you want to know why, just check out the “eye” of the storm in the satellite shot here… the closer you are to the bottom-front (South East) edge of the “eye” the stronger your winds will be.

Strong Low Sunday March 15 2009

Now that the barometer is heading up (slowly) the “eye” has probably passed as close as it is going to get… but we’ll still get gusty winds and intermittent rain/snow as the “bands” wash over us.

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10 responses to “Strong Low, more Snow”

  1. Bill Avatar

    Remember last year? We had snow squalls well into April as I recall, so the range of “normal” is broader than we all like to remember. I was scouring all the weather sites for even a little bit of good news this morning and I found some! Brett Anderson’s long range forecasts show us moving into a more normal normal after next week!

  2. dan Avatar

    Here in Nanaimo it’s windy and snowing like crazy. Last April we got a dump of snow one day as well. Winter is not done yet.

  3. Chris (admin) Avatar

    I hope Brett is right! He was right about the below normal temp/ normal normal precip for March.

    I do remember the snowfall last year, I think it was the last day of classes at VIU. ๐Ÿ™‚

    What’s made this year so oddball has been the cold and the dryness. Looks like the dryness is gone for now… but the cold is sticking around!

    How many days until May Long Weekend? That’s “the start of summer” right? ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Mike Avatar

    I’m at work right now and the wind is trying its darnedest to blow our building down. We’re clocking South 30 gusting 45 here, the sea looks positively crazy, and snow has fallen. Welcome to Spring!!!!

  5. Chris (admin) Avatar

    Is that knots?!

  6. Nick Avatar

    Yup… Mike is a knotty kind of guy ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. Mike Avatar

    Yes, that’s knots. I work in a “marine” environment so I deal with nautical miles and knots. PLus 2 time zones ๐Ÿ˜‰

    On another note, I see our barometer is acting like it’s attached to the space shuttle during launch. Still damp out here but I think the rain(snow)fall has stopped for now.

  8. Chris (admin) Avatar

    Ya I dont know what the heck is going on with the time on the posts and comments. The settings are right in the blog… but the times are wrong on the page. Makes no sense!

    Wonder what tomorrow will bring!?

  9. tekwiz Avatar

    Chris, did you notice that the link for San Francisco U is stuck? The pressure map has not updated since the 13th.

  10. Chris (admin) Avatar

    Yes I did… go to their frontpage and your’re greeted with an unhappy sounding administrator who apparently has lost a lot of data.

    Hopefully it is back soon. ๐Ÿ™