A cool week and start to June

The rest of this week will be pretty much what you’ve seen Monday. Not hot, but not cold, not soaking, but not totally dry. In other words, it must be almost June! ๐Ÿ™‚

June is traditionally pretty blah, with the Canada Day Parade generally the earliest we see real hot summer weather for extended periods. So I’m just making sure you are ready for that. It’s not a Port Alberni thing, or even an Island thing, as Cliff Mass noted last week, it’s a Pacific Northwest thing and just part of our annual pattern of weather.

Thankfully only Friday is looking really soggy this week. So still plenty of good weather to be out in the yard, on the golf course or having a BBQ!

Oh, and the webcam page is now running (for sure this time) on YouTube which should make it easier for folks to see the time lapses. There is a short 3 hour time lapse that updates every hour and a full 24 hour time lapse that updates every morning. I will be creating a script to make weekly and monthly time lapses as well and make them available soon. I also plan on adding some audio… We will see what for it takes.

I’m still having a little trouble with the webcam itself shutting down due to the sun heating it up in the window, but have what could be a solution coming soon. Why do I always seem to push the boundaries of the technology I’m using? ๐Ÿ™‚

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