We interrupt this regularly scheduled weather broadcast for a brief announcement.
I’m going to run for Councillor in Port Alberni in November. I love this town – my town – and have loved serving it in a small way through this website. I have great concerns for the future that I believe must be addressed and I have great hope and belief that Port Alberni and its residents can and will step up to those challenges and prosper.
Don’t worry, aside from the continued posts on climate change every once in a while, this website isn’t going to change much. I intend to keep providing updates and keep the site going. But I simply ask that if you live in the City, if you have enjoyed and valued the information on this website and time I’ve dedicated to it, that you please consider voting for me for Councillor in November.
Just as it has been great fun and a great privilege to see this site grow and people come to value it, it would also be a huge honour and privilege to work on Council to represent you as best I possibly can.
You can find out more about my position on the issues and share your ideas for what you would like to see in Port Alberni on my personal website at:
Or like my Chris for Councillor FB page at www.facebook.com/chrisforcouncillor
And oh ya! The weather! Yesterday’s forecast still applies. Expect anything at all times! Yay Spring!
P.S. And here is a special note to others who might be of like mind and like concern on the issues of climate change you have read this far… Do it. Run for politics. Nothing is going to change if no one who wants the change stands up for it in the political realm. It is a huge commitment. I have thought about it for months, years really and talked about it with my wife and family and kids before finally deciding that this is what I had to do to feel I was doing my best to help. So if you have ever considered running, truly consider it. Now is the time.