Author: Alberniweather Blog (Chris)

  • New Temperature and Humidity Sensor

    I’ve installed a new temperature/humidity sensor in the equipment. The old Humidity sensor was reading 100% at times after heavy rainfalls, so I’m hoping this one will fix that. The 77mm/hr rain rate value you see if bogus along with the 0.5mm of rainfall, that was unavoidable unfortunately as I had to remove the rain…

  • Good luck Hawaii Mars Bomber

    Where did this wind come from?? Seems to be quite localized to our fair towm. Don’t see any other wind on Hawaii Mars left the Valley yesterday to escape the fog and spent the night in Nanoose Bay. They’re making the 6 hour flight to California today… good luck to them!!

  • Sorry and Santa Ana Winds.

    Sorry for the weirdness this morning, my web server provider obviously FUBAR’ed the link when they switched my address… after some stern emails though it’s fixed. Sunny skies on the horizon for Thursday as this California High builds in (as it burns San Diego and LA county!). Here’s hoping it doesn’t last long to spare…

  • Forecast says Sun by Thursday

    The Forecast says Sun for Thursday and Friday. Do you believe it!? 🙂 We have to go through two more days of wet to get there though. I also noticed there was plenty of snow on Mt. Arrowsmith on the weekend (when I could see it through the clouds). With it 14 degrees today though,…

  • Rain and Comments

    Hi Everyone. Just to let you know, I don’t plan on this ever being a daily forecast box or anything. I just don’t have time for that, as much as I’d like to. 🙂 Lots more Rain is forecast for the next 3 days as this big system sends us lots of wet from the…