Don’t forget to turn your clocks back tonight before you go to bed.
And while you are sleeping (likely listening to the rain on the roof) maybe spare a thought for the cold shot we might have check it out:
Short Range:
Long Range
See the dip that starts after the rain stops on Tuesday?
The European model (the gold-standard) agrees:
Here is its forecast for next Friday. The black line is 5C temperatures in the upper atmosphere. You can see how far it has dipped down. There is also a low passing from north to south off the coast. A scenario that always brings us cold and sometimes snow.
2 responses to “Time Change Tonight! Cold shot coming?”
first snowfall….. nov 29 2012,,, 5 am
hi waughsie: Please put this comment in the Snow Contest post. Otherwise I can’t count it as an entry. Just click on the “Enter the Snow Contest” at the top right. Thanks!