Seems like I didn’t really miss much while I was gone. It’s been sun sun and more sun since I’ve been gone! And it looks like Sun Sun and more Sun for the foreseeable future! I will have a longer post on the July weather and what might be in store for August on Sunday.
The website fared OK while I was gone. One of my webcams doesn’t like the heat I think and konked out on us most of the time. I’ll work on that in the next couple of weeks. There was a hard drive failure (actually only its enclosure thankfully) on Sunday that ended up killing the live feed. But it’s all back online now.
Some minor updates to the website:
At the bottom of the Almanacs you will see links to Environment Canada information:
Records for Today
Todays’ Almanacs
Historic Almanacs
Climate Normals (1971-2000)
Environment Canada has been a busy beaver lately and updated a lot of its web products. I’ve modified the links I’m using accordingly. The first link to “Records for Today” will take you to the daily official records for our station at the Airport. The “Todays’ Almanacs” will take you to the hour-by-hour reports from the official station at the Airport. “Historical Almancs” will take you to a listing of all of the stations used in the Alberni Valley since the 1880s. You will want the “AUT” and “A” stations for the most recent stuff. And finally the “Climate Normals” is a link to the page with the official 1971-2000 Normals and Extreme listings for our nearby stations.