My iPad is still out for repairs so this post comes later than it usually would.
If you were in Port Alberni over May Long Weekend, you would have been hard pressed to find much or any rainfall. We recorded only 0.3mm of rain on the 17th.
So I hope everyone had a relatively dry weekend out in the bush or wherever you got to enjoy your weekend.
There will be a chance of showers all week but like the weekend, it is unlikely to amount to very much. Temperatures should hover around 17-20ºC.
The website continues to evolve and I am trying as quickly as possible to bring back some of the features, especially the extended weather data, that is now missing from what was there before.
The graphs will take the longest to return but I hope will also be the most greatly improved. You can get long term data from the stations by going to the NOAA and Archive text files from the Almanac page. Other links will return as I can get to them.
Please keep sending your feedback. I’ve got some great suggestions so far and people in general seem to like the new look. If you don’t or you have a specific issue with a device you are using please don’t hesitate to let me know either here in the comments or at
Have a great Tuesday/Monday/Start of the Week!