Update: 2PM
The first storm cell has moved through and there hasn’t been any more lightning detected on the Island but another couple cells look to be moving up from the Cowichan/Nanaimo areas along the same lines. Expect more showers in the next hour or so.
Update: 1PM
Lightning detected in past few minutes along Mt. Arrowmith and nearby mountain ranges. Most recently near Cameron Lake. Watch for heavy rain showers if you are driving Highway 4.
June is always an interesting month of transition. It’s usually cooler and wetter than it seems to have been. The next couple of days will remind you what June is often like.
Thursday we should cloud over and by afternoon there will be a threat of thundershowers. On Friday a system will move through that will generally affect the South and East Island more than us. On Saturday we should see some breaks in the cloud in the morning but the winds will pick up in the afternoon for the AC/DC paddle boarding event at China Creek and Canal Beach. More serious rain will come on Sunday afternoon.
As you can see above, by 2PM this afternoon, rain will begin gathering at higher elevations around the central Island. These pockets of showers should provide some rainbows and are likely to move through town a little bit as well though actual accumulating rainfall will be unlikely.
Scattered showers will blossom into all-out rain in southern regions of the Island on Friday morning. It appears as though we will miss this in the Valley. Victoria will get some significant rainfall. The tables turn! 😉
Friday afternoon:
Another bout of mountain instability will move through the higher reaches in the afternoon Friday but looks less intense than today.
Saturday’s AC/DC forecast:
Winds at 2PM look to be ~15knot
The afternoon winds look to be forecast to kick up as normal and expected for the inaugural Alberni Canal Downwind Challenge standup paddleboarding event.
Cloudy afternoon but pleasant:
It won’t be full sunny and 25°C but it also won’t be raining at 15°C :). The cloud and wind will keep things cool to around 20°C but no worries for any rain.
Sunday: The Blob.
Sunday is looking a little more serious. By late afternoon and evening the island will be draped in rain showers. It should move through and be done by Monday.
For the most part though, it should be a perfectly pleasant final weekend of spring.
That will be it for me this week! I’m headed to the Interior, hoping for a thunderstorm, will post if anything fun pops up. Have a great weekend!