A rest then rain returns Saturday night – Cold air on the horizon

A rest then rain returns Saturday night – Cold air on the horizon

After yesterday’s exciting, which was more exciting in the Cowichan Valley (there are still many without power) than here, we all get a break today and Saturday.

A small ridge of high pressure is building in that will give us clear days and cold nights.  It got down to 3°C last night.

On Saturday night a small front with pass through:

A weak front sliding down the Island from the North

If the model is correct though, the rain will pass by Sunday morning and the rest of Sunday should be dry.

Next week shows the possibility of temperatures getting below zero. If you haven’t got your cold weather tires on (M+S or Snow tires with good tread) you might want to do that this weekend. Below around 3°C is when those cold weather tires start to pay off and if you go over the Hump or Sutton pass, they are the law.

This is the temperature map for Wednesday morning.


Light blues are just above or below freezing. Purples are around minus 10°C in the Interior. Brrr.


Have a wonderful weekend!

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