Just found out that not only with the planets Venus and Mars be aligned with the moon but the International Space Station will be paying a visit as well!
Here is a track (details here) for the ISS tonight showing it will be visible from 6:59 to 7:05. Catch it if you can! It should be quite near the Venus/Mars/Moon conjunction as it travels from West to the SouthEast.

Thanks to Ed Wiebe at of Islandweather.ca fame for passing along the knowledge about this special event that is happening this evening. A conjunction means that multiple stars or planets or moons are close to each other in the sky… which also means that from the perspective of the viewer, they are basically lined up one-behind-the-other in space.
If the clouds continue to clear and clear fully this afternoon as they are supposed to do (see below) and you look southwest across the Harbour from the Port Alberni side towards Mt. Kiltsa after sundown tonight but while there is still light in the sky, you should see Venus, Mars and the crescent moon all very close together.

No matter what, we should see a red sky tonight and it should make for a delightful weekend.