Here comes the heat everyone!
It is going to really feel like summer for the next number of days as we get into the high twenties and possibly over 30°C from Friday through mid week next week.
Environment Canada briefly issues Special Weather Statement.
On Thursday, EC issued a Special Weather statement advising folks of the abnormally warm and potentially record breaking heat this weekend with ways to keep cool and advice on wildfire risk. They ended that Special Weather Statement just after midnight last night with this message:
Issued at 2015-06-05 07:13 UTC by Environment Canada:
Special weather statement ended for:East Vancouver Island, B.C. (081300)
Inland Vancouver Island, B.C. (081500)
Current details:
Temperatures will be well above normal this weekend but will remain below record values.
So that was the end of that. 🙂 However, their original advice on staying cool and being careful in the back country still very much applies. Just because it may not be quite as extreme as EC originally thought doesn’t mean it will not feel uncomfortable for many.
So how hot and for how long?
The University of Washington models have been consistently less hot than EC, however they do sometimes under-estimate the local heat in our Valley.

The southern part of the province including us is predicted to get to 27°C (80°F) except the Kelowna and Summerland areas.

It gets a little hotter Saturday and Sunday for us, up to 29°C (84°F). But not as hot as the Interior, especially Sunday. So that is good for us. Temperatures should go back to the 24-27°C mark after Sunday.
City of Port Alberni Water Restrictions Start Monday
I have been informed by City Staff that Stage 1 Water Restrictions will begin on Monday June 8. If you were having trouble viewing the page on mobile it has now been updated and the rules changed slightly.
Due to low reservoir levels it is necessary to impose restrictions on Outdoor Water Use including garden and lawn watering. Therefore effective 12:01 a.m. June 8th , 2015 and until further notice, Outdoor Water Use is restricted as follows:
6:00 am – 9:00 am & 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Even No. Addresses can sprinkle on even numbered calendar days
Odd No. Addresses can sprinkle on odd numbered calendar daysStage 1 Exemptions include: municipal parks, school yards, sports fields, and public spray parks. Hand watering flowers and vegetable gardens are also exempt.
Fire Danger to rise rapidly. Possibly Extreme by Next Week
Thanks to more rain then expected earlier this week, our fire rating at Beaver Creek went down to Moderate. However, the Wildfire Management branch will be raising the danger to High this weekend and their forecast calls for the rating to be 5, or Extreme.
So please be careful in the back country. If you can help it, it is probably best not to have any fires at all. But campfires are still officially OK as long as you keep them small and put them out completely when you are done.
That is all folks. Have a great weekend and enjoy the sun!