You can sign the new #bringbackthemars petition here. (I am not leading this petition)
Update 11:45PM
One last night shot before bed… take note of the top picture of the post before you look below. Was tonights picture really necessary?
Update 10:30PM
Impressive nighttime shot just now.
Update 10:25PM
If you are looking for current official information (it can often be delayed though), the fire has now reached a large enough size to be a “Wildfire of Note”.
They have included this image from above from earlier this afternoon.
Here is the latest:
Last updated: Saturday, July 04, 2015 at 7:03 PM
Location: Dog Mountain on Sproat Lake
• See approximate location of this wildfire on aMapquest map.
• View an interactive map of all active Wildfires of Note.Discovered: Saturday, July 04, 2015
Size: 5.0 hectares (estimated)
Status: Active
This fire is burning aggressively on the top of a mountain, surrounded by steep terrain on all sides. The fire is slowing backing down the hillside.Interface:
Interface Fire
Cabins at the lake level with boat only access are being evacuated with help from the RCMP. The local government’s EOC has been activated to assist evacuees.
More information
This fire is on a peninsula of land almost completely surrounded by Sproat Lake. A narrow isthmus provides land access to some of the cabins on the peninsula.Cause: Human
This fire is suspected to be human caused.Resources
• 6 firefighters
• 3 helicopters
Air Tankers are dropping retardant on the fire, which has the ability to retard the movement of the fire when either wet or dry. Helicopters are also bucketing on the fire to cool hot spots and reduce fire behaviour. Additional resources are being mobilized to this fire.
Update 10:20PM
Some sunset shots:
RT @madduxward: @alberniweather took this pic off my deck on 9th and Neill St of the fire and sunset
— CHEK News (@CHEK_News) July 5, 2015
Update 8:45PM
The bcwildfire website says the fire is now 8 Hectares.
Check out the two photos below taken 4hrs apart at 4;45PM and 8:45PM.
Update 7:30PM
From CHEK: the fire has grown to five hectares and RCMP have begun ordering evacuations of cabins.
Update 4:35PM
Update 4:25PM
This will be my last update for a few hours as I am headed to the Heritage Golf Classic to volunteer for a few hours this evening. I will update again around 8PM. Stay safe folks. Hoping for the best.
One more video just sent to me.
Update 4:10PM
From the AVNews as of 3PM.
The B.C. Coastal Fire centre is reporting a 1.5 hectare fire near the top of Dog Mountain near Sproat Lake. According to CFC rep Ellie DuPont, an initial helicopter crew is on scene and an air tanker is on its way. DuPont said the fire is currently not endangering and cabins or homes.
I’m Update 4:00PM
The view right now from the City of Port Alberni.
Update: 3:55PM
Just noticed by a reader. Current Humidity at the Port Alberni Airport (which is just a few km away from the fire) is 12%! 22% in the City at my station. Very very dry conditions and the afternoon breeze has come, thankfully not too strong.
Update: 3:45PM
From about twenty minutes ago.
Update 3:30PM
Just received from the Alberni Clayoquot Regional District:
There is a forest fire burning on Dog Mountain…. activated an Emergency Operations Centre level 1 and will be in contact with Forest Service, no need at this time for further resources… will advise as things progress”
Update 3:25PM
Forestry crews are working on a Forest Fire at Sproat Lake. Reports fire is growing fast up the hill. Pic @wadehepp
— ScanBC (@ScanBC) July 4, 2015
From a reader
Update 3:20PM
A resident took these photos about 20minutes ago and reports the smoke is about twice as large. But these of course are not confirmed by official sources.
Update 3:05PM
Wildfire burning on Dog Mountain near Sproat Lake
— CHEK News (@CHEK_News) July 4, 2015
Update 2:55PM
There is now one in Qualicum apparently. This is a very disturbing situation.
Update 2:30PM
Witnesses report there are water bombers and helicopters on scene at #sproatlikefire
There are more serious fires elsewhere on the Island. Such as Port Hardy. Good thoughts and strength to them.
Wildfire doubles in size in just 4 hours – State of Emergency in effect in Port Hardy via @CHEK_News
— Monica Martinez (@MonicaYYJ) July 4, 2015
Update 2:25PM
Anecdotal reports that there are ground and helicopter crews on the fire now.
Update 2:15PM
This is the photo that should get your blood boiling….. help, sitting helpless on the beach.
I will update this post through the day though I won’t be here the whole afternoon and evening.
It is not getting any better out there.
There fires all over the Island. And now including near Sproat Lake off Two-Rivers Arm (the uninhabited part though there are some campsites). It is small but visible from the City of Port Alberni.
The Hawaii Mars is sitting on land within sight of this fire. Frustrating. You can sign this if you like. I am not doing a petition this year to bring back the Mars, but others are. It already has almost 200 signatures.
2 responses to “Small Wildfire near Sproat Lake – Wildfires spark all over Island and Province – Sparks new Petition for Mars”
12% humidity! When was the last time you remember it being that low? No wonder all these fires are flaring up, coupled with the heat.
I am seeing 22% humidity on my station but yes I see the 12% at the Airport! WOW!