Dry Monday. Getting wet Tuesday/Wednesday. Then warming.

Dry Monday. Getting wet Tuesday/Wednesday. Then warming.

Happy May 1 The threat of rain should be over for this morning and the rest of monday should stay dry.  We should stay mainly dry on Tuesday until the late afternoon when our next system comes ashore.

Rain will begin around 5PM on Tuesday and last all the way through Wednesday.  It will feel fairly warm but soggy!

The rain should end 24 hours later around 5PM Wednesday. We will see how it goes after that but temperatures are definitely starting to creep toward that magic 20°C mark! We might just hit it this weekend!

It might be time to start up the 30°C contest!

Oh, and just for interest sake, it has been an active morning for earthquakes in the NW corner of BC!  Two 6.0 earthquakes within a couple hours of each other.

Check the USGS site in the links on the menu bar for the latest.


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