Good news post this morning! Don’t be discouraged by the layer of low cloud over the City this morning. That is actually a great sign! That cloud is the marine air that moved in and pushed out a good amount of the smoke. The local air quality has improved hugely.

The image above is the 1 hour values as of 6AM. You can see a number of yellow and blue dots which indicate values under 25! Yay!
Below you can see the 24hr values. These are the averages that are used to put out notices so that is why there is still an air quality advisory for the area. The readings were so terrible yesterday that it will take a few hours of good air to bring those day long averages down below 25.

What a treat to be able to see the mountains, the Salish Sea, the blue sky!
The Forecast – spotty showers possible Saturday.
I think we can all agree the biggest news is the departure of the smoke!
It should leave us with most clear skies today and warm temperatures. In the next few days we will see clouds move over but don’t expect any significant rainfall.
So far all I see is a bit of spotty showers late Saturday afternoon.

Beyond Saturday the ridge of high pressure builds back in and we are back to sunny and warm skies. If those sunny and warm skies persist and draw air out of the Interior, we could back back into the smoke by midweek next week.
Let’s hope not!
Breathe deeply my friends! It feels great!