It finally happened! Barely!
Once again we were on the very edge of declaring a winner in the Port Alberni Snow Contest for Winter 2020/2021. We almost got there back in December but we just never quite got measurable snow.
Overnight and this morning though that changed as we got a solid enough covering to actually measure 2cm of snow on the front lawn at 8:55AM January 24, 2021!

Congratulations Rob!
That means that according to the official snow contest calendar, Rob Frolic is the winner this year with a guess of January 15 at 4PM!
It is appropriate that Rob was also the *latest* guess of all the guesses this year. And yet, Mother Nature decided we would have to wait more than a month after the start of winter to get that first snowfall. Amazing!
Runner Up and Second Runner Up: Judy Miyagi and Maurice Siermachesky!
Judy Miyagi guessed of January 7 and Maurice Siermachesky guessed January 4th!
This is kind of a weird concept, I know. My wife thinks I’m crazy. But then, the pandemic is a crazy time isn’t it?
My hope is that our three winners will choose a local business in Port Alberni.
A favourite local store. Your favourite restaurant. Maybe even your favourite plumber or electrician!
Your mission is to use or buy a service or product, take a picture and tell me and all your friends about the place you supported so that other residents and Port Albernians can support the same business.
You can join in! Support and Talk about your Favourite Port Alberni business!
The beauty of this “Reverse Prize” is that no one is left out! We can all go to a business, take a picture and tell our friends and neighbours!
So please do! COVID Safe, of course. 🙂
I’ll have a new post up tomorrow morning with the forecast for the week… the Environment Canada forecast is maybe a little more dramatic looking that it deserves. 🙂