Happy 2023!
This will be my final post of 2022. It has been quite a year weather-wise and personally for me and my family. I wish all of you a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. I hope if you have troubles you are able to find resolution and peace. I hope if you find joy and success you are able to share it and celebrate. While sometimes the world looks dark and ominous, I have been reminded often lately that there is good both in people and in the wider world.
Updates Complete on the Website – Looking for a Webcam
My final task was to clean up the Webcams, Air Quality and Satellites/Radar pages. These are the most popular pages of the website. I’ve added PM2.5 values from all the Port Alberni sensors to the Air Quality Page. The Satellite Page has only been cleaned up a little, if you have a suggestion for source of imagery, let me know.
The Webcam page has mostly remained the same but I’ve added the BigWaveDave Live Webcam in place of my own. The Giroptic Webcam that has served well since about 2018 has ended its career. Unfortunately, it appears the 2nd Giroptic wasn’t as hardy as the first one I bought. Or perhaps it couldn’t handle both a heat dome and a long cold snap in the span of 18 months. I’ll be on the lookout for a new camera. I have some ideas on one (or perhaps a group).

I think something like this Armrest IP camera (or, eventually, 3 mounted in a triangle) might be a good option. We’ll see. I’ll put feelers out to see what people are using.
You can expect a monthly and maybe even annual summary in the days to come and of course more local weather happening in these ancient lands that I am so grateful to be a temporary visitor to.
All the best in the New Year.