Slickers… DEPLOY!

Get ready for a whole lotta wet today and tomorrow! No warnings for us, but still more than enough to keep anyone happy. It should dry out, and cool down, by Sunday.

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9 responses to “Slickers… DEPLOY!”

  1. Nick Vanderest Avatar
    Nick Vanderest

    Hey Chris.. just tipped 1000mm of precip (includes snowmelt) on my station….

    I would really love to put a internet connected station out at Henderson lake… 🙂

  2. admin Avatar


    Ya I think I hit about 1300mm before it reset on Oct 1.

    Henderson Lake would be awesome! 😀 Even just Prince Rupert or Bella Bella would be fun to watch.

  3. Nick Vanderest Avatar
    Nick Vanderest

    Henderson Lake by far would be unreal… I’m actually looking up their records…

  4. Nick Vanderest Avatar
    Nick Vanderest

    Henderson Lake averages 6650 mm of rain, or 261 inches per year.

  5. admin Avatar

    Holy geebus!!

  6. Chris Avatar

    I know that a few years ago they used henderson lake as a proving ground for Helly Hansen raingear

  7. Nick Vanderest Avatar
    Nick Vanderest

    I had the adventure (or was that mis-adventure?) of a trip over to the hatchery to re-align their satellite dish. It _WAS_ nice here, but it wasn’t nice there. It was quite the challenge to get a satellite dish to pass Cross-Polarization when its miserable out.

  8. Dan Avatar

    The beauty of web cams! We can actually believe it’s wet. I like the idea of a measuring device at Henderson Lake connected to the net. It would be grist for a fabulous bookmaking operation, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly totals–hell, we could even make book on hourly or minute totals, sort of like a Keno screen in the sports bars. Move over, Texas Hold ‘Em!

  9. Nick Vanderest Avatar
    Nick Vanderest

    They have a standard Environment Canada rain guage for manual recording.

    I’m sure the crew out there would enjoy some automation. So you don’t have to go outside and get wet.