Just to let you all know, I saw on one of the Accuweather blogs today that there is an expected break down in the ridge that has kept our weather… well… BORING.
Late next week, we can hopefully expected both some cooler air to spill our way from the Arctic as well as some active weather to come off the Pacific.
And you know what that means!?
You better be in the Snow Pool!
Click this Link to add your guess to the comments section at the Snow Pool page.
9 responses to “Warm/Calm break down?”
Hi Chris, I have heard about your ‘Pick the first snow day’ contest. I would like to pick Thursday, Dec. 11th. Thanks, and good luck to all, Elaine
Don’t you be goin’ and gettin’ me all rowelled up for a let down Chris! A change in the weather……yeha! Have you decided whether we are allowed to pick a new snow date if our date has passed?
what if it falls a day after one of our dates, mines the 13th and on the enviro canada it says possible snow on the 14th! lol
Then you don’t win.
I picked Dec 19, so I’m assuming my name on the calendar is danneau? haha!!
hah, sorry Dan, I know someone else who’s name is Dan who always uses danneau as his nick. I changed it now so I know it’s you!
Brad, if it snows on any day that you did not pick, then you don’t win! Sorry!
And if you’ve picked the same day as someone else then you either have to pick your time and whoever is closest to when the snow starts to accumulate wins.
It’s looking good for snow next weekend sometime, sunny and cool for Saturday and a front coming in after that which will be bringing snow for Mon/Tues.
Nice ladder Chris… when do we get to see your smiling face?
Ya sorry ’bout that
Putting up the Christmas lights on the roof and realised as I was putting up the ladder that it’s rather unfortunately placed. I’ll see what i can do to get my mug on there. I made a few faces for the camera but doesn’t look like it got saved at just the right time.