New Forecast: Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs

Spring can sometimes really make for some weird weather. And today is definitely living up to that. The official forecast is out from Enviro Canada. I couldn’t write this stuff myself, so I’ll just quote what they said:

An intense frontal system will approach the British Columbia coast late today. The strongest winds will be over exposed sections of North Vancouver Island this afternoon. Unstable conditions will persist over the South and Central Island, strong winds along with heavy meatballs may produce localized damage. This is a warning that strong winds and heavy meatballs are imminent or occuring in your area. Please listen to local media for updates or contact your nearest Italian restaurant for extra spoons and forks.

Happy April Fools Day.

(And if you haven’t already seen it… the movie “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs” is really silly and great)

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2 responses to “New Forecast: Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs”

  1. Tazz Avatar

    Too funny Chris!

  2. Mike Avatar

    Yup, seen it, Definite side-splitter!