Unit Conversion being implemented

I’ve got the basics down for the Unit Conversion mechanism… so now it’s just a matter of applying all the math. 🙂

The first change you will notice is the Barometer measurements since, in Canada, we generally use kiloPascals (kPa)… that is the first change I’ve made. It is simply one decimal off of hPa and millibars

Right now, the conversions will only apply to text data, the graphs will remain as is for now..

UPDATE: 10:14PM: I’ve gotten as far as the Metric, US, and UK… will work on converting to Marine/Nautical values in the morning

Enjoy the Sun!

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2 responses to “Unit Conversion being implemented”

  1. Convert Avatar

    Thank you for the weather, our friends are in Canada so we can see better how they go. Maybe I could help with a converter, if needed.

  2. admin Avatar

    Hey no problem!

    The conversions are all done. Just click where it says “Change Units” and go from there! 🙂