Heat, water, fire, fair!

The forecast at the top of the page is red for a reason. It’s going to be hot! We are looking at 32-34 degrees Celsius (89F-93F) from today through Sunday.

No record was set here on Wednesday that I know of, though Campbell River, Port Hardy, and Comox along with a number of towns on the Mainland did set records according to CKNW.

I will look for the records for the next few days and post them here in an update so we can keep track.

SO it will be hot and dusty on the Alberni District Fall Fair grounds, but still awesome!

You can find out about all the shows and activities and exhibits going on at http://albernifair.com/ website.

Bring lots of water to drink. Or money for pop, or cotton candy (that cools you off right?) or for hamburgers from Kiwanis, or the food huts. Or for all the draws and prizes and the midway of course!

It should also be a perfect morning for a parade on Saturday at 10.

Away from the Fair, the Lake will be warm, the Wind Surfers will be busy (especially Sunday I think) catching the afternoon breezes, and it’s just going to be a fantastic weekend in general!

One serious note though. Be so very very careful with any fires, especially if you are enjoying the back country or any equipment that might spark a fire like ATVs, dirt bikes, etc. Always carry some water with you just in case you need to drown a spark. It could make all the difference.

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