Just as I started typing, I heard the honk of a Canada Goose and looked up to see a small Vee of 4 geese passing overhead.
If that isn’t proof that fall is very near, I do not know what is.
Our big switch in the weather should be proof too. It looks like summer is officially over weather wise. And while we had a rough start, we sure did finish strong.
All indications are that we are headed into another La Nina winter. Dry, cold, and snowy. But that’s indeed another few months off. Before then we have our wild fall weather to contend with.
When will our first big blow and rain event be? Not too soon… But you can feel it in the air. It’s coming.
5 responses to “Fall is coming”
YAY!!!! I am sooo not a sun-worshiper! Funny as I grew up on the lake spending everyday in a boat or swimming! Can’t wait for the coolness and serenity of fall. The misty fields as I drive to and from work – especially when accompanied by the huge harvest moon! Anticipating the blustery weather and the piles of leaves everywhere! Off-roading and finding MUD! Fishing by a lake with the mist on the water, while enjoying a big mug of hot chocolate. Games nights with the family! Thanksgiving dinner and Hallowe’en! And the best part – Stormwatching!!!
Ya, just wait! By mid-November we’ll all be dying for just a brief peek of sunshine! ; )
haha! Except me! I have an “aversion” to the sun – I get rashy, nauseous and vomit for days. I feel like a confused vampire! I take super oxide dismutase to keep me somewhat normal on the sunny days, but can’t handle more than 10-15 minutes tops even with it! Bring on the clouds!!! YAY!!!
remember to load up on vitamin D3, everyone!
Hah! I like your attitude Outagoodideas!
Yippppeeeeee! The best time of the year comin’ up for sure!!!!!!!!Happy storm season everyone!