Break through the fog!

We are a little socked in this morning. The East side of the Island is bathed in warm sun but we have a pretty thick deck of cloud above us. Once the sun climbs high enough into the sky though I think you’ll see the clouds burn off pretty quickly and we should get into the high teens or low twenties today!

It will be short lived though as we have some rain showers headed our way for tonight and tomorrow.

But then it will switch back to sun and warmth for the late part of the week and weekend… So really, not a bad week shaping up for us!

Bill mentioned in the comments that Accuweather is predicting another cool summer for us out on the West Coast.

Here is their map:


Now I went back to last years forecast at this time from Accuweather here just to check out what it looked for last Summer, which was Seasonable temperatures thanks to a weakening La Nina.


What we ended up with of course was the Bummer Summer of 2011.

So the first message here I think for all of us (including me!) is to take any of these seasonal forecasts with a big grain of salt. We just aren’t that great at them yet and perhaps climate is loading the dice in ways we don’t fully understand yet.

That said my feeling is that the past year has been similar to 2011 but trending warmer. Also, El Niño is trending warmer this year than it did last so I’m thinking that while we may not get the heat some are really craving this summer I don’t think it will be nearly as bad as last summer. So don’t worry! The sun will still shine, including today! 🙂

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