Category: Air Quality
Air Quality Advisory Issued, Burning Ban, for next 3 Days in Alberni Valley
Due to the cold, stagnant air the BC Ministry of Environment has just issued an Air Quality Advisory (click for link) for our area and implemented burning restrictions. Here are the details: (January 3, 2017 – Port Alberni, B.C.) The Ministry of Environment in collaboration with Island Health Authority has issued an Air Quality Advisory for…
Air Quality Advisory Ended – Temporary City Limits Outdoor Burning Ban continues through Sunday.
The rain and wind and end to some of the burning around town has brought air quality measures back below the thresholds. As such, the Air Quality advisory has now been ended by the Ministry of Environment. However, the City implemented a ban yesterday on all outdoor burning within City Limits that will continue until…
Update 8:30AM – Air Quality Advisory Issued – Spotty showers Thursday – Rain Friday – Air Quality still not Great.
UPDATED 8:30AM – An Air Quality Advisory has now been issued by the Ministry of Environment. All outdoor burning 15km radius around Port Alberni banned for 2 days. Full Text Below. AIR QUALITY ADVISORY AND OPEN BURNING RESTRICTIONS IN EFFECT FOR THE ALBERNI VALLEY, WITHIN 15 KM OF PORT ALBERNI CITY HALL (November 05, 2015…
Final Final Update 10:50PM Day 5 – Fire Grows to over 160 Hectares – Mapping the Fire – Controlled Burn and Mars Testing Weather Permitting
Final Final Update 10:50PM WIldfire service just updated their statement on the website. Here is the important part that deals with the ignition and rumours of jumping. More information The staged ignition was completed today. A heli-drip torch was used to ignite the burn area, and the fire met its objective to produce a moderate…
FINAL UPDATE – 11PM – Day 4 – Terrible Air Quality Continues – Pre-Burn planned – Will generate smoke
Update 11:00PM Air Quality is continuing to improve (20ug/m3 at 10PM) as the SouthEast Winds today push the low level smoke down the Valley to the North and West (back toward Dog Mountain) and the upper level winds seem to clear the Pemberton fires in the opposite direction toward the South and East. Localized heavy…