Category: Climate Change
Smoke to continue through Tuesday. Clearing hopefully Wednesday. Sunny and warm Thursday.
Update 2:30PM see the graphs on the front page. Update 10:15AM The latest information from NASA on smoke forecasts is not good. See animation below. We should still get a break, but short-lived. PM2.5 levels consistent, and bad. The sensors have been very consistent for the past 24hrs as this smoke stays put. It might…
Expect Smoke to linger until Monday at least
We have awoken in yet more smoke. You can see current readings here. Anything over 20 is generally considered bad. Many places, including Port Alberni are around 100. As you can see it’s bad all across the South Coast. Ed Wiebe sent this picture from UVic. And here’s the view from Dr. J at the…
Updated 1:35PM – California and Oregon Smoke has moved in. Record heat yesterday.
Bad Air settles in overnight. A last update before midnight. It’s bad all over the Island. Downtown Victoria and Port Alberni are currently the worst though. Both at over 150ug/m3 1:35PM Smoke has moved up the Island The smoke has pushed north as the day has drawn on. There is no chance of us hitting…
Possibly final day of 30ºC+ weather. More Smoke coming. Possible shower Monday. Summer Summaries Posted. School Starts!
Expect today to be the last hot day, possibly of the summer. Lots going on this morning but one notable thing to start the day is this might be our final clear sunny and hot day of the 2020 summer. Fitting that it has come on the first day back for most kids to school.…
August 2020 Summary. A fairly normal month, except for that record smashing day of rain.
A very rainy, but not quite record rainy, month.