Category: Cold
Beware Blowing Snow (Updated)
UPDATE 3: Snowfall warning for East Vancouver Island issued 5 to 10 cm of snow is expected tonight. Update 2 Just took a peak at the forecast into next week and wow… Canada looks cold from Coast to Coast to Coast. This is Tuesday: (blue is below 0C, purple -10, grey -20) Just saw on…
Snow… or not?
Just noticed an updated Forecast statement tonight at 7:23PM calling for wet snow on “higher terrain”. Keep an eye out on the Hump, also Sproat Lake area. This is all setting up well for what could be a very snowy Friday night on the East Coast of the Island. As the big low pressure center…
Winter is coming next week…. does it mean snow?
So if I didn’t know any better, and I don’t, I’d say we possibly have a bunch of snow coming our way. Not just later this week, but maybe even into next week as well! Here is the current model predictions: Precipitation between now and Tuesday: And here’s the all important Temperature: All I can…
The Contest is getting interesting
So… I’ve known this for a few days now and have been biting my tongue in the interest of fairness to the game… but since it’s in the Environment Canada forecast there’s no denying it anymore. It looks like we might get some snow later this week! This cool down in the weather pattern has…
First Snow Contest 2010/2011!
I saw snow on Mt. Arrowsmith on the weekend. And anyone who was out trick-or-treating on Sunday night will know that when that rain came, it was a COLD rain….. sooooooooooooo….. that means it’s time for the Alberniweather Snow Contest! When will we get the first measureable amount of snow on the ground at Alberniweather…