Category: Cold
CONTEST TIME: First Snow of the Season
It’s practically an institution! It’s Snow Contest time…. here are the rules: When will we get measurable snow at the Alberniweather doorstep (6th and Redford)!? Here are the rules: #1: You must pick a date, hour, and minute (eg. July 3 12:45). #2: Closest time wins. #3: You must enter your guess in the comments…
Frost and 20 Degrees this week
(Edited for updated GFS long range forecast) We had a windchill below 0C this morning. BRR! That said, it’s shaping up to be another wonderful week of sunny warm fall weather. At or near 20C everyday from now through Saturday. After Saturday, as Bill pointed out this morning in the comments… and as I’ve seen…
Happy Summer! Making up for a Dry Spring?
Happy Summer everyone! I hope everyone got a chance to enjoy the longest day of the year yesterday. We went to bed at around 22:30 and it was still quite light out. Don’t expect the Summer weather to hit just yet though. After our big hot spell there in June we’ve been back to normal…
Sun Sun Sun!
If we keep repeating the word maybe we can convince it to stay out a little longer! There is a lot of it in the forecast and it’s out right now.. so everyone say it with me! SUN SUN! SUN!! 🙂 Have a great day everyone. (Oh wait.. except…. we might get snow… tomorrow… but…
Earth Hour might be really easy for some tonight!
With Wind warnings out for the West and East coast of the Island it might be pretty easy for some people to turn off the lights and save some power tonight… there might not be any electricity flowing to turn off! The winds aren’t slated to be huge, but there coould be enough gusts to…