Category: General

  • Rain with a good chance of Burgers

    Unfortunately our streak of sunny weekends is coming to an end. We’re going to get around 20mm of rain starting mid-Friday afternoon and extending into Saturday morning. It should be over by Saturday evening, but if you’re planning on a BBQ for the Canucks final game against Nashville, make sure you have your rain jacket…

  • Go Vote!

    The rain should end by noon today. Vote! It will be an exciting night.

  • Just hang in there until the Weekend

    It’s going to be ugly for a couple days. Not like, torrential rain ugly… but definitely not bright and sunny either. I’ve been getting a lot of questions (including from the paper!) about whether it’s ever going to warm up around here. Unfortunately it seems the consensus is that it’s not for a while yet.…

  • Perfect night for a Meteor Shower!

    I didn’t even know there was a meteor shower this time of year. But lo-and-behold, April 22/23 is the peak of the Lyrid meteor shower. Even better, it is a perfectly clear night in April. It truly can’t get any more unusual than that. So I hope everyone can get a chance tonight once the…

  • No Snow today! Suck up them Rays!

    Love it while it’s here because it won’t last too long! 18 tomorrow! WOOT!