Category: General

  • Heat Contest! When will we hit 30C

    The Period for submitting your guesses is now closed. Good Luck to everyone! 😀 It’s that time of year again… the sun is back, the backyard is warming up, it’s time for a contest! When will the temperature at Alberniweather hit 30C? Here are the rules: #1: You must pick a date, hour, and minute…

  • Can you help track the smell?

    I love my town. But, sometimes it smells… you know the smell I’m talking about. That kinda sewery smell you get a whiff of (or worse) now and again down at the Victoria Quay or along Stamp Ave. I’ve talked to a few folks about it, at the Ministry of Environment, City, and Catalyst… but…

  • Sorry for the quiet….

    I’ve been swamped lately with…. life… and other commitments and things and just haven’t had the time to keep up with the blog here. So my apologies for that. In the next couple days I will get the Contest going on the first 30C day. Plus, I’ll see if I can scrounge up a sponsor…

  • See the Space Shuttle tomorrow morning!

    UPDATED See Below If we’re lucky and there is a break in the clouds tomorrow morning we might get a very rare opportunity to see the Space Shuttle Discover reenter the atmospher over us! reports that they will making a special early morningre-entry tomorrow if weather permits in Florida. If they go for the…

  • Whaddaya think? Time for a new Contest?

    So I’m thinking that since it’s going to be 20C tomorrow (in the forecast anyway). It’s probably time to fire up another contest. What do people think? Should it be temperature? First to 25C? First to 30C? Or something a little different. Maybe First over 25C weekend. Or Longest stretch without rain? Or maybe pick…