Category: Hot
Summer is coming — Interesting Earthquake day today
Looks like we are setting up for a really great stretch of weather. 27C now for Monday or Tuesday. Yay! Interesting day today for Earthquakes! There was a significant 5.2 earthquake near Anchorage today at 12:06PM our time. A Tsunami is Not Expected.. There was a then an Earthquake near Sandspit just south of the…
Summer is Here!
Slap on that sunscreen, it’s time to go test out the lake! BRRRRRrrrrrrr!
It should stay beautiful most of the week. There might be a couple days Tues/Wed with fog in the morning. ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND! EDIT: I’m hoping that this could be my first ‘perfect solar day’. There is barely a cloud in…
It’s getting warmer!
As I suspected might happen yesterday, Environment Canada has boosted the forecast for the weekend! Now we’re looking at mid-20s for the whole weekend plus Monday! I expect it to last into Tuesday as well. Yippee! Get out the fan. In other news. Unless you’ve been under a rock lately, you likely know there is…
Hoping for a Hot and Sunny Saturday
I gotta giggle. All the meteorologists are all a flutter because Saturday is coming up as our first real shot at Summer! I’m going to join in! All of the models have us getting above 20C Saturday. It’s hard to say just how warm it well get as the predictions for 28C are very much…
Blogging from the bus, it must be summer
Today is going to be beautiful. Tomorrow is going to be beautiful. Saturday, well, not perfect. We’re going to get a little cloud roll in for Saturday and Sunday and it will cool the temperatures down some. But the good news remains. The chance of rain over the long weekend remains low and I’d say…