Category: Hot
Smoke Ends… is Rain coming?
They lifted the Smoke Advisory this morning. The change in the air this morning was very noticeable compared to Thursday. What a weird light Thursday produced…. it was as if it was evening all day long. I’ve never seen anything like it growing up in Port Alberni. Would love to hear about anyone else who…
Smoke Advisory Issued for Port Alberni and East Coast
As you may have guessed, the Smoke Advisory remains in effect. And I don’t see much improvement in the air quality until Saturday when we’re supposed to get a little rain. There are air quality advisories of some sort for almost all of Southern BC. Here is the warning from the BC Ministry of Environment:…
Possible Thunderstorms today
Looks like there is a possibility of thunderstorms today and likely tomorrow as well. I can see on the Lightning tracking map (click the orange link in the forecast) that the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley are getting a fair amount of lightning. Would love to see some here! Especially if it brought a nice…
And the sunny weather continues!
I haven’t posted anything lately because… well.. the weather hasn’t changed! I don’t know about you folks but the past week has been nearly perfect temperatures. This next few days the temps will rise a little. Tomorrow it will reach 32C, which for me is getting a little too hot. But really, it’s hard to…
Sunny weather continues
This sunny weather should continue for at least another week or maybe even two. We have a wonderful forecast just below 30 degrees. Everyone I’ve talked to lately agrees, these past days have really been perfect, not too hot, but plenty warm to do whatever you want outside and warm up the lake as well.…