Category: Snow
Don’t be fooled – Messy highway conditions with snow, rain, slush, wind.
The end has come – Snow should be done – Rain this afternoon – new post tomorrow for snow Sunday. Thanks all! If you haven’t been here yet today, Start at the Original Post section below to see info on the highway and what to expect later. This top section will be current happenings through…
Snow incoming Thursday night. Messy Friday. Timing details.
SNOWFALL WIND WARNINGS POSTED Environment Canada has just posted: Snowfall Warning for Inland Vancouver Island. Snowfall Warning for East Vancouver Island. Wind Warning for East Vancouver Island. Wind Warning for West Vancouver Island. Issued at 2020-01-10 05:02 UTC by Environment Canada: Snowfall warning issued for: East Vancouver Island, B.C. (081300)Snowfall warning continued for: Inland Vancouver Island,…
Snow Contest Winners! And more snow in the forecast!
The winners! Congratulations to Rebecca, William and Kathy! You have won prizes in this year’s First Snow contest! I will be getting in touch with you today! I called the contest over at 7:10PM on January 2 when we measured 2.5cm at Alberniweather. Rebecca gets First Prize, $50 Naegaard’s Market gift certificate Rebecca was closest…
Snowing on Hump drive carefully – A Messy week ahead
Wanted to quickly warn folks as I just came over the Hump this morning at 6AM it was snowing fairly heavy all the way up the hump eastbound. Snow was sticking but the plows were out. Drive carefully, I will fill in the rest of this post with what to expect for the week. Check…