Category: Wet

  • Messy Monday morning

    If your driving this early morning be careful. It was a whiteout when I went over the hump at 6:15am. The cold air is hanging on and giving us very wet snow across the Island but it appears to be sticking most in Alberni. In Qualicum right noe 7am and roads are only wet. The…

  • Snow starts on Sutton Pass

    Thanks to Tyler’s Heads up on the Sutton pass webcam…. It’s on it’s way. We’re at a snow-perfect 0.5C, moisture has spread across the Island and all is a Go for the flakes to fly. Check out the Alberniweather page on the left hand side to guess on how much we might have to deal…

  • Clouds Rolling In — Flurries, then snow, then rain and wind

    The clouds have started to roll in and that means the flurries and snow isn’t far behind. We should expect snow to start to fall before the sun goes down today. Major accumulations shouldn’t start until after dinner time. Again though, it will all come down to the temperature at the time. We’re currently just…

  • Snowy Sunday on the way

    As I figured might happen, we didn’t get anywhere near -7C last night. In fact, thanks to the fog and pointed out by our commenters, it was colder in Ucluelet this morning at -2.5C than it was here in town at -1.5C. So you see, the Fog isn’t all bad. 🙂 Now the question is…

  • Snow reaches Nanaimo – major rain event shaping up

    Update 4: 3:15PM: snow is all done in Nanaimo and everywhere else it appears. Sun is breaking through and slush is melting. But it has that chill in the air… Everyone bundle up tonight, -7C forecast, expect ice tomorrow! Update 3: 12:14PM: It is snowing moderately at VIU campus and it is now sticking. Be…