Category: Wet

  • Big Fat Snowflakes – Drive Safe

    So clearly the reason I took off my snow tires on Tuesday was because I was sure it wasn’t going to snow, that much, anymore. And here I am looking at big fat snowflakes pelting down outside my window. *Sigh* Drive safe and slow folks.

  • Rain this weekend… get your Saturday chores done early 🙂

    Quick update. Have fun this weekend in the wind and rain that should come this evening and last into Sunday. Nothing really serious, but you better get that lawn mowed this morning! You’ll also notice I’ve switched the webcam around for the summer. (I was actually a little late and the sun has already burned…

  • Wednesday looks pretty wet

    Sorry for the lack of updates everyone, the VIU Strike has monopolized most of my time and thrown me off my usual schedule. Today (Tuesday) we should escape without too much rain though much like Monday the later into the day we go, the more likely there will be rain drops falling. The rain will…

  • Happy Vernal Equinox!

    Today is the first half-day of spring! 🙂 Spring will officially start at 4:21PM PDT. I’m hoping we’re in the sunshine by then. The fog rolled in not long after the Super Moon rose above the mountains and now we’re locked into a chilly morning. It will stay pretty dry the next few days with…

  • Threat of Snow remains — But warmth taking hold

    It seems as though over the next week (the first week of Spring!) we’ll be in a bit of an in-between place for weather. The first day of Spring, the vernal equinox, when day and night are roughly equal in length, will be March 20th. The first moment of Spring will occur at 16:21 (4:21PM)…