Category: Wet

  • Strong Low, more Snow

    Could be a rather fun 24 hours. Notice the Barometer is quite low this morning and dropping. That’s the lowest it has been pretty much all winter. The EC forecast is talking about a “very deep” low forming just offshore that sping some moisture into the area and, thanks to the cool airmass, cause snow…

  • The Rains are coming – Or not? (Updated)

    But maybe a little more snow first. 😉 Just looked at the GFS model this morning and it’s predicting 122mm of raim between Saturday and Tuesday… most of that coming on Monday and Tuesday. I have little doubt that the later you get into that forecast, the warmer it will be and the less likely…

  • New Design is Live in the Rain!

    As you can see I’ve made the new design live. At first your internet browser might get a little confused as it will have cached a few settings and things. If the webpage looks REALLY messed up on your browser with the new changes, then please restart your computer first to ensure that the browser…

  • Webcam Timelapse of the Year 2008

    I’m pleased to announce I’ve compiled all of the over 99,000 images capture last year by the alberniweather webcam and crammed them into a 10 minute video. (If you’re interested, a “full year” of images every five minutes would be around 105,000… so we’re missing a few days worth :)). You can see the video…

  • Song of the week

    Rain Rain come today Wash all this snow away. If you’re on the west coast you can modify it slightly… 🙂 Rain, Wind, come today Wash and blow this snow away.